My Own Choice – Free Will

You are my father and I, your son.

If you send me somewhere, I will go without a second thought nor doubt your judgment.

If you demand, or ask something from me, then I shall give it to you. Considering that the thing in question is under my possession at the required time.

However, choosing and making final decisions for me means that I have become a slave and not a son. Thus, you have taken away that free-will which belongs to every individual. Or, that blessing which the Creator blessed me with; from the very beginning of the creation.

I can give up all the worldly possessions that are under my control, but never when it comes to taking away my free-will. Therefore, I wish to remain as a son to you and not a slave.

I will not trust nor allow my soul to be taken for granted, and humiliated to such a level of not making up my own choice. No man should become a master over another. Simply, because every slave must have a master, but a son needs only a father in life. Nothing more and nothing less!

By Mwanandeke Kindembo.

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