Some Poems

The Bachelor's Soliloquy

The Bachelor's Soliloquy

To wed, or not to wed; that is the question;
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The bills and house rent of a wedded fortune,
Or to say "nit" when she proposes,
And by declining cut her. To wed; to smoke
No more; And have a wife at home to mend
The holes in socks and shirts
And underwear and so forth. 'Tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wished. To wed for life;

To wed; perchance to fight; ay, there's the rub;
For in that married life what fights may come,
When we have honeymooning ceased
Must give us pause; there's the respect
That makes the joy of single life.
For who would bear her mother's scornful tongue,
Canned goods for tea, the dying furnace fire;
The pangs of sleepless nights when baby cries;
The pain of barking shins upon a chair and
Closing waists that button down the back,
When he himself might all these troubles shirk
With a bare refusal? Who would bundles bear,
And grunt and sweat under a shopping load?
Who would samples match; buy rats for hair,
Cart cheese and crackers home to serve at night
For lunch to feed your friends; play pedro
After tea; sing rag time songs, amusing
Friendly neighbors. Buy garden tools
To lend unto the same. Stay home at nights
In smoking coat and slippers and slink to bed
At ten o'clock to save the light bills?
Thus duty does make cowards of us all,
And thus the native hue of matrimony
Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of chores;
And thus the gloss of marriage fades away,
And loses its attraction.
Edgar Albert Guest (August 20, 1881 - August 5, 1959) Edgar Allen Guest also known as Eddie Guest was a prolific English-born American poet who was popular in the first half of the 20th century and became known as the People's Poet. Eddie Guest was born in Birmingham, England in 1881, moving to Michigan USA as a young child, it was here he was educated. In 1895, the year before Henry Ford took his first ride in a motor carriage, Eddie Guest signed on with the Free Press as a 13-year-old office boy. He stayed for 60 years. In those six decades, Detroit underwent half a dozen identity changes, but Eddie Guest became a steadfast character on the changing scene. Three years after he joined the Free Press, Guest became a cub reporter. He quickly worked his way through the labor beat -- a much less consequential beat than it is today -- the waterfront beat and the police beat, where he worked "the dog watch" -- 3 p.m. to 3 a.m. By the end of that year -- the year he should have been completing high school -- Guest had a reputation as a scrappy reporter in a competitive town. It did not occur to Guest to write in verse until late in 1898 when he was working as assistant exchange editor. It was his job to cull timeless items from the newspapers with which the Free Press exchanged papers for use as fillers. Many of the items were verses. Guest figured he might just as well write verse as clip it and submitted one of his own, a dialect verse, to Sunday editor Arthur Mosley. The Free Press was choosy about publishing the literary efforts of staff members and Guest, a 17-year-old dropout, might have been seen as something of an upstart. But Mosley decided to publish the verse, His verse ran on Dec. 11, 1898. More contributions of verse and observations led to a weekly column, "Blue Monday Chat," and then a daily column, "Breakfast Table Chat." Verse had always been part of Guest's writing, but he had more or less followed the workaday road of many newsmen for 10 years. In 1908, standing in the rain as the solitary mourner for one such journalist who had long since been forgotten and relegated to the newspaper's morgue, Guest resolved to escape that fate by becoming a specialist. From that day forward, nearly all of his writing was in meter and rhyme. And readers loved it. They asked where they could find collections of his folksy verses. Guest talked it over his younger brother Harry, a typesetter, and they bought a case of type. They were in the book publishing business. After supper, Harry climbed the stairs to the attic to set Eddie's poetry. Harry could set as many as eight pages -- provided the verses didn't have too many "e's" in them -- before he had to print what he had and break up the forms for eight more pages. They printed 800 copies of a 136-page book, "Home Rhymes." Two years later, in 1911 and still working in eight-page morsels, they printed "Just Glad Things," but upped the press order to 1,500 copies. They escaped the limits of their type case with the third book, published in 1914, but Guest had some misgivings about the large press run -- 3,500 copies. It sold out in two Christmases. More books followed, and before he was done Guest had filled more than 20. Sales ran into the millions and his most popular collection, "It Takes a Heap o' Livin'," sold more than a million copies by itself. Guest's verses, originally clipped by exchange editors at other papers, went into syndication and he was carried by more than 300 newspapers. His popularity led to one of early radios longest-running radio shows, appearances on television, in Hollywood and in banquet halls and meeting rooms from coast to coast. But Edgar A. Guest remained, at heart and in fact, a newspaper man. In 1939, he told "Editor & Publisher," "I've never been late with my copy and I've never missed an edition. And that's seven days a week." For more than 30 years, there was not a day that the Free Press went to press without Guest's verse on its pages. He worked for the Free Press for more than six decades. Thousands of Detroiters were born, grew up and had children of their own before a Free Press ever arrived at their homes without Guest's gentle human touch. When Guest died in 1959, he was buried in Detroit's Woodlawn Cemetery. Eserleri: Works A Dozen New Poems (1920) A Heap o' Livin' (1916) All That Matters (1922) All in a Lifetime (1938) Between You and Me: My Philosophy of Life (1938) Collected Verse of Edgar Guest (1934) Faith (1932) Harbor Lights of Home (1928) Home Rhymes, from Breakfast Table Chat (1909) Just Folks (1917) Just Glad Tidings (1916) Life's Highway (1933) Living the Years (1949) Mother (1925) Over Here (1918) Poems for the Home Folks (1930) Rhymes of Childhood (1928) Sunny Songs (1920) The Friendly Way (1931) The Light of Faith (1926) The Passing Throng (1923) The Path to Home (1919) Today and Tomorrow (1942) When Day Is Done (1921) You (1927)
The Man Who Can – Edgar A. Guest (Powerful Life Poetry)
KEEP GOING - Edgar A. Guest - Inspirational Life Poetry
My Creed by Edgar Albert Guest - Inspirational Poetry
The Greatest Men On Earth - Life Changing Poem by Edgar Albert Guest
The Proof of Worth Edgar Albert Guest
Have You Earned Your Tomorrow? - Edgar Guest (Inspirational Life Poetry)
Life is What We Make of It - Edgar A. Guest (Powerful Life Poetry)
Courage - Edgar Albert Guest
Overvoice | Edgar Guest: A Boy and His Dog.
Inspirational Poetry About The Greatest Father | Edgar Albert Guest | Only a Dad
Be A Friend - Edgar A. Guest (Powerful Life Poetry)
The World Is Against Me, by Edgar Albert Guest
There Will Always Be Something to Do - by Edgar Albert Guest
TRUE Motivational Poetry By Edgar Albert Guest | Spoken Word Poetry
Don't Quit - Edgar Albert Guest (MOTIVATIONAL POEM)
The 4-Minute Poem that Transformed Lives | Equipment poem by Edgar A. Guest Read by Simerjeet Singh
Equipment 🎧: Poetry for Confidence and Perspective by Edgar A. Guest
It Couldn't Be Done - Edgar Albert Guest (Motivational Poem)
A Boy and His Dog || Edgar Albert Guest | Famous Poem | The Power of Simplicity
Equipment by Edgar A. Guest | Powerful Motivational Poetry | Inspirational English Poems
See it through - A Poem on Courage by Edgar Albert Guest
The World Is Against me - Edgar Albert Guest (MOTIVATIONAL POEM)
Courage 🎧: Poetry for Motivation by Edgar A. Guest
Joshua Graham; "On Quitting" by Edgar Albert Guest, Utah Poetry Out Loud State Final 2013
Don’t Quit by Edgar Albert Guest (read by Ben W Smith)
On Quitting | Edgar Albert Guest | Very Powerful Inspiration | Life-changing Poetry
Suzanna Alsayed: "It Couldn't Be Done" by Edgar Albert Guest
From Vision to Victory - Simerjeet Singh Reads "See It Through" Poem by Edgar Albert Guest
See It Through by Edgar Albert Guest
"See It Through" a Poem by Edgar Guest
It Couldn’t Be Done - EDGAR ALBERT GUEST
"Can't" by Edgar Albert Guest: A Powerful Poem about Overcoming Limitations
“Equipment” poem by Edgar Albert Guest #shorts #masculinity
The Proof of Worth by Edgar Albert Guest
Things Work Out | Edgar Albert Guest | Fine Inspirational Poems | Poems For Difficult Times
Princess Diana reads It Couldn't Be Done by Edgar Albert Guest
Gratitude, Poem by Edgar Albert Guest, Inspirational Video On Gratitude. Thank you!
Be A Friend by Edgar Albert Guest
05 - My Creed (Edgar Albert Guest) - Ben Kingsley.mpg
It Couldn't Be Done - by Edgar Albert
“Myself”, Edgar Albert Guest
Only A Dad - by Edgar A Guest - Classic Poetry Readings
Don't Quit ~ Edgar Albert Guest | Best Motivational Poem
MOTIVATION - Edgar Albert Guest - On Quitting
See It Through By Edgar Albert Guest | Motivational Poem
A Boy At Christmas (Edgar Albert Guest Poem)
Equipment - Scroll - Poem - by: Edgar A Guest
Answering Him | Poem by Edgar Albert Guest
IT COULDN'T BE DONE| Poem by Edgar Albert Guest |
Effort - Scroll - Poem - by: Edgar A Guest

See also

Duane Gevert
Brilliantly written and a poem that we, OLDER FOLKS, can related to!

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