Murilo Porfírio

1995-07-28 Minas Gerais

II-IV In a Basement With Bertha Mason

All the journals of science, priced beyond my breath,


are stored where fortunes tower, perhaps in Hong Kong’s wealth.


Opaque the process seems, yet cycles clear abide,


to publish and take pride, a never-ending tide.


Ask about their travels, how many have there been?


Living broad and wide, in randomness unseen.


For their victories are listed in public view, you see:


work and places, faces—demands to set aside my glee.


Yet this is science now, not as it was, or will be hence,


I pray recalling minds of genius, cloaked in magic’s dense.


They soared beyond the mundane, where fame and mystique blend,


in realms where wonder reigns, and mysteries never end.

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