Fernando Pessoa
Fernando António Nogueira Pessoa, mais conhecido como Fernando Pessoa, foi um poeta, filósofo e escritor português. Fernando Pessoa é o mais universal poeta português.
1888-06-13 Lisboa, Portugal
1935-11-30 Lisboa
The hours are weary of being hours.
Oh, to be aught else! they say.
Their task's to age children, hopes and flowers,
Paint lips cold and hairs gray.
They sicken and sadden and deaden beauty.
When they pass and look behind,
Lining the path of their ended duty
They only weeping fmd.
So, Oh, to be something else! they say,
For they think they know
That the things and thoughts they take away
Really fade and go.
But they do not know, blind misers screening
A robber‑changed false pelf,
That everything has Another Meaning -
Ay, even God Himself
Oh, to be aught else! they say.
Their task's to age children, hopes and flowers,
Paint lips cold and hairs gray.
They sicken and sadden and deaden beauty.
When they pass and look behind,
Lining the path of their ended duty
They only weeping fmd.
So, Oh, to be something else! they say,
For they think they know
That the things and thoughts they take away
Really fade and go.
But they do not know, blind misers screening
A robber‑changed false pelf,
That everything has Another Meaning -
Ay, even God Himself