Lêdo Ivo

Lêdo Ivo

Lêdo Ivo foi um jornalista, poeta, romancista, contista, cronista e ensaísta brasileiro. Seu primeiro livro foi As Imaginações. Fez jornalismo e tradução.

1924-02-18 Maceió AL
2012-12-23 Sevilha

The Gate

The gate is open all day long
but at night, I myself go to close it.
I expect no nocturnal visitor
except the thief who jumps over the wall of dreams.
The night is so quiet that it makes me hear
the birth of fountains in the forests.
My bed, white as the Milky Way,
is too smau for me in the black night.
I occupy all the space in the world. My distracted hand
knocks down a star and frightens a bat.
The beating of my heart fascinares the owls
in the branches of the cedars, pondering the mystery
of day and night, born of tbe waters.
In my stonelike sleep I stay stifl and travel.
I am the wind that caresses artichokes
and rusts the harness hanging in the stable.
I am the ant that, guided by the constellations,
breathes the perfume of land and sea.
A man who dreams is everything that he isnt:
the sea that ships have damaged,
the black whistle of the train passing through trestles,
the soot that darkens the kerosene drum.
If I shut my gate before I sleep,
in dreams it opens itself.
And he who didnt come during the day,
stepping on dry, eucalyptus leaves,
comes at night and knows the way, like the dead,
who havent yet come, but know where I am,
covered by a winding sheet, like all who dream
and stir in the darkness, and shout the words
that escaped the dictionary and went to smell
the night air scented with jasmine and sweet, fermenting manure.
The undesirable visitors cross through the locked doors
and the Venetian blinds that filter the passage of the breeze,
and encircle me.
Oh, mystery of the world! No lock shuts the gate of night.
In vain at nightfall I thought to sleep
alone protected by the barbed wire that circles my fields
and by my dogs that dream with open eyes.
At night, a simple breeze destroys the walls of men.
Although my gate will be locked in the moming,
I know that someone opened it in the silence of night,
and, in the darkness, watched over my restless sleep.

O Portão Poema em Portugês


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