Fernando Pessoa
Fernando António Nogueira Pessoa, mais conhecido como Fernando Pessoa, foi um poeta, filósofo e escritor português. Fernando Pessoa é o mais universal poeta português.
1888-06-13 Lisboa, Portugal
1935-11-30 Lisboa
There was a land, which I suppose,
Where everyone had a crooked nose;
And the crooked nose that everyone had
In no manner did make him sad.
But in that land a man was born
Whose nose more straight and clean was worn;
And the men of that land with a public hate
Killed the man whose nose was straight.
Where everyone had a crooked nose;
And the crooked nose that everyone had
In no manner did make him sad.
But in that land a man was born
Whose nose more straight and clean was worn;
And the men of that land with a public hate
Killed the man whose nose was straight.