Fernando Pessoa
Fernando António Nogueira Pessoa, mais conhecido como Fernando Pessoa, foi um poeta, filósofo e escritor português. Fernando Pessoa é o mais universal poeta português.
1888-06-13 Lisboa, Portugal
1935-11-30 Lisboa
Kisses on me like dew
Pour, and it shall be morn
My waked spirit through.
My bowed, greyed head adorn
With bays, that I may view
My shadow crowned and smile even as I rnourn
Although my head is bent,
Thy feet, sandalled with hope,
Pass and are eloquent
I' th' way they do not stop.
Somewhere i'th' grass they are blent
With that of me that does for meanings grope
Let us be lovers aye,
Out of all flesh agreeing,
Lovers in some new way
That needs not words nor seeing.
Thus abstract, our love may
Not ours, be but a vague breath of Pure Being
Pour, and it shall be morn
My waked spirit through.
My bowed, greyed head adorn
With bays, that I may view
My shadow crowned and smile even as I rnourn
Although my head is bent,
Thy feet, sandalled with hope,
Pass and are eloquent
I' th' way they do not stop.
Somewhere i'th' grass they are blent
With that of me that does for meanings grope
Let us be lovers aye,
Out of all flesh agreeing,
Lovers in some new way
That needs not words nor seeing.
Thus abstract, our love may
Not ours, be but a vague breath of Pure Being