Alguns Poemas
Robinson Jeffers (with Prof. Tim Hunt)
Robinson Jeffers Documentary. (1967)
Robinson Jeffers' "The Stars Go over the Lonely Ocean" (Poems I Noticed)
Robinson Jeffers
Robinson Jeffers' "Watch the Lights Fade" (Poems I Noticed 6)
Jonathan Bowden, 'Robinson Jeffers: Misanthrope Extraordinaire'
"The Day Is A Poem" by Robinson Jeffers READ BY POET HIMSELF (September 19, 1939)
Robinson Jeffers Reads His Poetry
Tor House, by Robinson Jeffers
Robinson Jeffers - The Human Condition (Poetry Reading)
Shine, Perishing Republic (Robinson Jeffers)
Robinson Jeffers - Be Angry at the Sun (Poetry Reading)
Carmel Point, by Robinson Jeffers
Boats in a Fog, by Robinson Jeffers
Robinson Jeffers
The Bloody Sire by Robinson Jeffers
Suicide's Stone by Robinson Jeffers
The poetry of Robinson Jeffers Part 1 by John David Ebert
Hurt Hawks, by Robinson Jeffers
Robinson Jeffers’ Peace in the Midst of War
Science, by Robinson Jeffers
Jonathan Bowden - Robinson Jeffers
The House Dog's Grave, by Robinson Jeffers
Robinson Jeffers Tor House
Vulture, by Robinson Jeffers
Robinson Jeffers Collected Poetry Vol. 1
Jonathan Bowden Reads "Return" by Robinson Jeffers
Love Much by Robinson Jeffers read by A Poetry Channel
Robinson Jeffers' "The Purse-Seine": A Panel Discussion
Now Returned Home, by Robinson Jeffers
The Polar Ice Caps ..., by Robinson Jeffers
Ossian's Grave, by Robinson Jeffers
The Cruel Falcon, by Robinson Jeffers
Natural Music by Robinson Jeffers
Hurt Hawks by Robinson Jeffers
Gray Weather, by Robinson Jeffers
"Rock and Hawk" by Robinson Jeffers
Inscription For A Gravetone - By Robinson Jeffers
Robinson Jeffers - Ghost (Poetry Reading)
Skunks, by Robinson Jeffers
Salmon-Fishing, by Robinson Jeffers
F.C.V. reads Robinson Jeffers - The Deer Lay Down Their Bones
BA 2nd Year "Shine, Perishing Republic " by Robinson Jeffers (Analysis in Nepali)
Shane O'Neill's Cairn by Robinson Jeffers
The Poetry of Robinson Jeffers Part 2 by John David Ebert
Oh Lovely Rock by Robinson Jeffers
Oh, Lovely Rock by Robinson Jeffers
Walker Brents III on Robinson Jeffers
Robinson Jeffers Poetry Readings with Music by Melinda Armstead
The Bed by the Window, by Robinson Jeffers