Bessie Head

Bessie Head

1937-07-06 Pietermaritzburg
1986-04-17 Serowe

Alguns Poemas

Bessie Head foi uma escritora nascida em Pietermaritzburg, África do Sul, a 6 de julho de 1936, mas que emigrou para Botsuana em 1964 e é hoje considerada a mais influente escritora botsuanesa do pós-guerra, onde se naturalizou. É conhecida pelos romances When Rain Clouds Gather (1968), Maru (1971), e A Question of Power (1973), e ainda pela coletânea de contos The Collector of Treasures and Other Botswana Village Tales (1977). A escritora morreu, aos 48 anos, por complicações advindas da hepatite, a 17 de abril de 1986.
 Conhecida como prosadora, ao morrer havia publicado um único poema, o famoso "Things I don´t like", ainda na África do Sul. Mas, desde sua morte, inéditos vêm sendo descobertos, como o romance The Cardinals (1996), e ainda uma série de poemas jamais publicados, coligidos no volume Recovered Early Poems of Bessie Head. Dele extraímos o poema abaixo, e o apresentamos junto do famoso "Things I don´t like."
 --- Ricardo Domeneck
Throwback Thursday: Bessie Head
Bessie Head
#57: "When Rain Clouds Gather" by Bessie Head (Botswana, 1972)
Bessie Head Life
Maru by Bessie Head 🇧🇼 (Romance, Art, and Power in Rural Botswana)
Maru by Bessie Head (Book Review)
Bessie Head The Village Saint
Bessie Head: Brief Bio and Intro “The Deep River,” A Short Story|Botswanan Writers| Postcolonialism
Heaven is not Closed by Bessie Head; An Introduction | Dr. Susan Mathew | Department of English
A Book Summary of Maru by Bessie Head
Lire l'Afrique # 3 | Afrique du Sud | Bessie Head - A question of power
Wole Soyinka| Bessie Head| Post Colonial Writer for UGC NET Exam| English Literature
Bessie Head's "The Deep River: A Story of Ancient Tribal Migration"
Bessie Head: Life Part 1
The Collector Of Treasures By Bessie Head
Plot Summary Of The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses By Bessie Head. - The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses
Advanced Topics in Postcolonialism Bessie Head, A Question of Power
Book Reading: When Rain Clouds Gather - Bessie Head
Bessie Head
The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses~Short Story by Bessie Head
#Bessie Head
The wind and a boy - Bessie Head
South African Writer : Bessie Head
Maru by Bessie Head [Novel Summary & Review]
A Book Summary of When Rain Clouds Gather by Bessie Head
The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses Bessie Head BS ENG III ELL 202
A Question of Power by Bessie Head (Summary & Outline)
Draw My Life - Bessie Head Edition
African Authors Bessie head
The Collector of Treasure Summary in English
Looking For A Rain God - Bessie Head
When Rain Clouds Gather by Bessie Head [Summary & Overview]
The Collector of Treasures by Bessie Head in English
Village people by Bessie Head (Complete Story)
Marou - Bessie Head
The Village Saint - Bessie Head (1977)
World Lit II Bessie Head, The Deep River
Bessie Head
The Collector of Treasures- By Bessie Head | Full Summary in Hindi #englishliterature #Learnlitnote
Bessie Smith-Lost Your Head Blues
The Collector of Treasures by Bessie Head
Critica de LIBROS: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Bessie Head, Amos Tutuola, Emecheta, NoViolet Bulawayo
ll The Collector of Treasures by Bessie Head ll #ignou #english
Literature Quotes from (A Question of Power) by Bessie Head
[Bessie Head] ベッシー・ヘッド作品を翻訳出版する_2022.09.13
Bessie Head Oral Presentation
Bessie Smith - Lost Your Head Blues (Audio)
The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses by Bessie Head in Hindi /Urdu
[Bessie Head]南アフリカ出身の作家ベッシー・ヘッド作品の翻訳出版を目指しています

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