Martin Buber

Martin Buber

Martin Mordechai Buber foi um filósofo, escritor e pedagogo, austríaco e naturalizado israelita, tendo nascido no seio de uma família judaica ortodoxa de tendência sionista. Buber era poliglota, em casa aprendeu ídiche e alemão; na escola judaica, estudou hebraico, francês e polonês/polaco. Sua formação universitária deu-se em Viena.

1878-02-08 Viena
1965-06-13 Jerusalém

Buber In Ten Minutes
I and Thou: Martin Buber's Philosophy of Dialogue
Martin Buber: Seeing People for What They Are vs. What Purpose They Serve
Martin Buber, Lecture 1: I and Thou
1. Lecture Martin Buber I and Thou
Why Did Martin Buber Abandon Mysticism? ft. Paul Mendes-Flohr
Martin Buber and Martin Heidegger in Dialogue, Paul Mendes-Flohr
Understanding World Religions - Chapter 18: What did Martin Buber Believe about God?
Plot summary, “I and Thou” by Martin Buber in 5 Minutes - Book Review
Martin Buber: Bridging Humanity's Divide|Philosopher Biography
Martin Buber: Philosopher of Dialogue Conference | Session Two
Martin Buber: A Life of Faith and Dissent
Martin Buber and Psychotherapy
Martin Buber - Good and Evil
Interpersonal Effectiveness Extras: I-It vs. I-Thou Relationships
MARTIN BUBER Itinéraire d'un humaniste Extrait
Martin Buber's "I and Thou" page 66 ~ On Love and Marriage | Prof Chighel
Martin Buber, Lecture 2: Life in the World of It
DIEGO FUSARO: Martin Buber, la dialettica tra Io e Tu e l'importanza del dialogo
Bevezetés a filozófiába: "Minden valóságos élet: találkozás" (Martin Buber) - Pavlovits Tamás
Philosophie to go 7: Buber
Martin Buber - I and Thou
Het Martin Buber - Beleef wat je leert
Moni Ovadia legge "Il cammino dell'uomo" di Martin Buber
Martin Buber - Das Wort, das gesprochen wird (Audio)
Inspired by Martin Buber (1878-1965) - Guilt Feelings
Martin Buber's Philosophy of Dialogue: An Alternative Non-Duality
"The Life of the Hasidim" by Martin Buber
Het Martin Buber
Martin Buber: Já a Ty
Martin Buber, un judaïsme en dialogue (1/2)
Martin Buber, Zionism & New Perspectives on Paul - Ron Dart
Cominciare da se stessi - Marco Guzzi legge Martin Buber
Hebräischer Humanismus bei Martin Buber
Martin Buber - There are three principles
Martin Buber - Il cammino dell'uomo
Martin Buber - Dominique Bourel
Por que "pessoas de excelente qualidade humana" não conseguem dialogar?
Peter Selg: Martin Buber (1878-1965): Einführung in Leben und Werk
On Martin Buber: Encounter with Social Problems with Maurice Friedman (1967)
Gustav Landauer and Martin Buber - Amir Engel
Philosophical Nuggets 14 - Existentialism - Martin Buber
Martin Buber’s Philosophy of Communication (4) – Dialogue and the Phenomenology of Trust
Diálogo e Intersubjetividade em Clínica: Contribuições da Filosofia de Martin Buber
Martin Buber
Martin Buber: I and Thou (part 3): God as Between Us
Martin Buber: Der Mensch in der Natur
2. Lecture Martin Buber I and Thou
Martin Buber, La révolution 'hassidique, avec Catherine Chalier, Dominique Bourel et Macha Fogel

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