Mo Yan

Mo Yan

Guan Moye é um escritor chinês, mais conhecido pelo pseudônimo de Mo Yan, que significa "Não fale". É descrito como "um dos mais famosos, banidos e largamente pirateados escritores chineses".

1955-02-17 Gaomi, Shandong, China

Prémios e Movimentos

Nobel 2012
The Real Mo Yan
Mo Yan, Nobel Prize in Literature 2012: Official lecture - "Storytellers"
World Leaders Forum: Mo Yan and Chinese Literature [Chinese Audio]
For Mo Yan, the Politics of Being a Chinese Literary Figure
Introduction to Mo Yan 莫言
Chinese writer Mo Yan shares insights on characterization of women in his novels
Mo yan family's reaction to Nobel Prize
Mo Yan as Storyteller
The 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature: Announcement
Mo Yan Interview
China's Mo Yan Wins Nobel Literature Prize
Mo Yan interview: Nobel Prize in Literature 2012
Mo Yan, The Nobel Prize, and China | China Uncensored
Nobel laureate Mo Yan discusses Chinese literature
Mo Yan en Los Andes
Nobel Prize Winner Mo Yan Offers Advice for Promising Writers
Mo Yan: Mis recursos literarios
Mygz Molino - KAYA MO YAN (Official Lyric VIdeo)
Especialista em estudos culturais conta história do escritor chinês Mo Yan
Mo Yan talks to CGTN about taking Chinese literature overseas
A la (re)découverte d'un(e) auteur(rice) #3 - MO YAN
MO YAN "SORGO ROSSO" (no spoiler) #librosceltodavoi
The Lair of Mo Yan | BattleClaw Season 1 | Episode 11
Entrevista a Mo Yan - Premio Nobel de Literatura 2012
Mo Yan, écrivain : "Je veux critiquer les aspects sombres de la société et de l'âme humaine"
Mo Yan - Gavoi - 2010
AS RÃS, DE MO YAN (#131)
Mo Yan, el Nobel de Literatura chino, admite haber recurrido a ChatGPT
Mo Yan defiende su Nobel
Push Mo Yan TEA / NESTEA / Nestle PH
Le prix Nobel de littérature est décerné au Chinois Mo Yan
Mo Yan, Premio Nobel Literatura
Mudança, de Mo Yan - Resenha
Kaya Mo Yan - Mastergee x Emjhay Aranza (Official Music Video)
Kwento Mo Yan
#17-L - As Rãs, de Mo Yan (Desafio Livrada 2016)
World Leaders Forum: Mo Yan, Author and Nobel Laureate
Sounxstate & Moyan - Alone (Lyrics)
#PushMoYanTe - Vice Ganda ft. Regine Velasquez-Alcasid (Lyrics)
Le Chinois Mo Yan, prix Nobel de littérature
Vice Ganda - Push Mo Yan Te feat. Regine Velasquez (Audio) 🎵
Discurso de Mo Yan al recibir el premio Nobel de Literatura 2012
It's Showtime Lip Swak: Team Ganda performs "Push Mo Yan Teh!"
Vice Ganda sings 'Push Mo Yan Te' on GGV
Kaya mo yan - Mastergee x Emjhay Aranza ( Lyric Video )
KAYA MO YAN - Bern Marzan #original
Nuestra profesora Giovanna Pollarolo entrevista a Mo Yan
Red Sorghum by Mo Yan | Sino-Japanese War Fiction
shortone - alam mo 'yan (official lyrics video)

Quem Gosta
