Vincent Van Gogh

Vincent Van Gogh

Vincent Willem van Gogh foi um pintor pós-impressionista holandês. Considerado uma das figuras mais famosas e influentes da história da arte ocidental, criou mais de dois mil trabalhos ao longo de pouco mais de uma década, incluindo 860 pinturas a óleo, grande parte das quais, concluídas nos seus últimos dois anos de vida. As suas obras incluem paisagens, natureza-morta, retratos e autorretratos, caracterizados por cores dramáticas e vibrantes, além de pinceladas impulsivas e expressivas, que contribuíram para as fundações da arte moderna e trouxeram distinção para o estilo do pintor.

1853-03-30 Zundert
1890-07-29 Auberge Ravoux

Vincent Van Gogh's The Starry Night: Great Art Explained
Vincent van Gogh: My Story
Vincent Van Gogh Visits the Gallery | Vincent and the Doctor | Doctor Who
Who was Vincent van Gogh?
Vincent van Gogh for Children: Biography for Kids - FreeSchool
Van Gogh – Tormented Genius | Biographical Documentary
The Unending Violence of Vincent van Gogh
Vincent Van Gogh: The Humble Genius
The Mystery of Vincent Van Gogh's Death
Art With Mati & Dada – VanGogh | Kids Animated Short Stories in English
Why Was Van Gogh's Career a Failure
Vincent van Gogh - Between Tragic Creativity and Insanity | Documentary
Vincent van Gogh: The colour and vitality of his works | National Gallery
The unexpected math behind Van Gogh's "Starry Night" - Natalya St. Clair
The Curious Death Of Vincent Van Gogh
Van Gogh's Art in 7 Minutes: From Iconic Paintings to Immersive Experiences
Van Gogh Brought to Life | His Heart-Breaking Story & Face Revealed | Royalty Now
The TRAGIC Life of Vincent Van Gogh 🎨 | #hosrts
Vincent van Gogh’s long, miserable road to fame
The life story of Vincent van Gogh
Van Gogh, the Painter With 900 Paintings | Full documentary
How Van Gogh’s Sister-In-Law Made Him A Renowned Painter | Raider Of The Lost Art | Perspective
I Tried Van Gogh's Intense Daily Routine – ep. 8
Van Gogh y el MISTERIO del AMARILLO 🌻
Vincent van Gogh: A collection of 825 paintings (HD)
Vincent van Gogh's lost painting
15 Things You Didn't Know About Vincent Van Gogh
Van Gogh Neden Bu Kadar Özel?
Don McLean - Vincent ( Starry, Starry Night) With Lyrics
Climate protesters throw soup on Van Gogh painting
Vincent Van Gogh Ain't Got Shit on Me
Famous Vincent Van Gogh Paintings
Van Gogh As a Guide to Confidence
MENTIRAS sobre VAN GOGH. NO se suicidó, NO estaba loco y más… Arte
Van Gogh's Life Of Struggle: How Vincent Never Saw His Success | Great Artists | Perspective
my relationship to eternity.
Vincent van Gogh - The story
Things You Didn't Know About the Tortured Life of Vincent van Gogh
DOCUMENTÁRIO - O Fracasso em Vida, e Glória pós-morte de Vincent Van Gogh
Artista nacido en la época equivocada… #historia #storytime #triste #pintura #artist #vangogh
Daniel Caesar - Vince Van Gogh
Vincent Van Gogh Visits The Gallery | Vincent And Doctor | Doctor Who
Van Gogh's Ugliest Masterpiece
Van Gogh's Van Goghs - Documentary - 1999 (FULL HD)
Dept- Van Gogh (Feat. Ashley Alisha) Official lyrics video
Tomato Soup on a Vincent van Gogh
Vincent Van Gogh: un genio atormentado

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