Barbara Guest

Barbara Guest

1920-09-06 Carolina do Norte
2006-02-15 Berkeley

Alguns Poemas

Barbara Guest foi uma poeta norte-americana, nascida em 1920. Tornou-se ativa na cena poética no fim da década de 50, ao lado dos companheiros Frank O´Hara, John Ashbery, James Schuyler e Kenneth Koch, conhecidos mais tarde como a Escola de Nova Iorque (New York School of Poets). Seu primeiro livro foi publicado pela lendária galeria de arte de Tibor de Nagy, intitulado The Location of Things (1960). Como acontecia à época, pelo machismo que ainda guia a historiografia literária, seu trabalho ficou por décadas à sombra do de seus companheiros de sexo masculino, o que já acontecera nas décadas anteriores com poetas tão importantes quanto Lorine Niedecker (ligada aos Objetivistas), Muriel Rukeyser e Mina Loy, ou ainda H.D. (Hilda Doolittle, 1886 - 1961)), da qual Barbara Guest escreveu a primeira biografia, intitulada Herself Defined: The Poet H.D. and Her World (1984). Outros livros de Barbara Guest incluem The Open Skies (1962), The Blue Stairs (1968), Moscow Mansions (1973), The Countess from Minneapolis (1976), Seeking Air (1977), The Türler Losses (1979), Fair Realism (1989), Defensive Rapture (1993), Rocks on a Platter (1999), If So, Tell Me (1999), Forces of Imagination: Writing on Writing (2003), Dürer in the Window: Reflexions on Art (2003) e The Red Gaze (2005). Sua Obra Completa, reunida no volume The Collected Poems of Barbara Guest, foi publicada em 2008. A poeta morreu em 2006.
 --- Ricardo Domeneck
Barbara Guest, 1974 at SF State, reading two poems —The Poetry Center
Lunch Poems: Barbara Guest
5 Poems by Barbara Guest
Discussion of Barbara Guest’s “There was a poem”
"20" by Barbara Guest.
Poets John Ashbery and Barbara Guest - Poetry Thin Air
On Barbara Guest's "20"
On grappling with Barbara Guest's "20"
Bring Barbara Home Competition is officially open
Further Discussion of Barbara Guest's "20"
On Barbara Guest's "The Minus Ones"
Further Discussion of Barbara Guest's "20"
Steven Walling reads 'Barbara Guest House'
Barbara Guest Podcast #14
BARBARA GUEST reads "Roses"
Ella O’Keefe, ‘It frees her and frees me’: Barbara Guest and the Poem-Painting
Heavy Violets by Barbara Guest
"Alteration" by Barbara Guest.
Nuit Blanche: Barbara Guest
J.L. Moreno Award Winner 2023: Barbara Guest-Hargin
'Two Colonial Hours with Barbara Guest' - Will Montgomery
Seeking Air Excerpt by Barbara Guest
Barbara Guest's The Countess of Minneapolis - Redell Olsen
Sound and Structure-Barbara Guest- Alexander Zingman
Sand by Barbara Guest
Guest Lecture Barbara DeFina (part 1) - New York Film Academy (NYFA)
Mae Losasso, Imagined Architectures, Material Poetics: Barbara Guest's Blue Stairs
Safe Flights by Barbara Guest. Read by Laura-Marie
Windy Afternoon by Barbara Guest
Barbara Walters - Rest in Peace... on the Tonight Show (w/guest host Joe Garagiola- 1968)
Senior Solutions, with guest Barbara Kane
A Way of Being by Barbara Guest
BLEAT by Barbara Guest
Here We Are with guest Barbara Vitalis
Guest Lecture - Interviewing Barbara Walters, "Audition"
Arts in Depth hosted by Barbara Hoffman. Guest Carol Ludwig 2-18- 16
The Dr. Sarah Experience Podcast Show ft. Guest Barbara Von Schmeling
Kelly's Kountry Junction TV Show, With Guest Barbara Fairchild
Let's Talk About Lëtz - Episode 6 - Meet our first guest: Bárbara!
Arts in Depth hosted by Barbara Hoffman. Guest Willi Miller. The Voice of Arts
Rising Stories with Corine Sandifer, Guest: Barbara Lampl
Barbara - Episode | March 4, 2022
Barbara - Episode | March 12, 2022
Surviving the Holidays “Joyfully” (Guest: Barbara Coloroso) Episode 113
Guest Lecture Barbara DeFina (part 2) - New York Film Academy (NYFA)
A Seeking Heart with guest, Barbara Lee
Reflections on East Granby, guest Barbara Skinner
Talk Show - Breaking Open with Barbara Heller - Guest Star Kinna McInroe - Shot in 2016

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